Monday, March 9, 2009

Update - Craziness

It's been a while since I have updated this and since I finally have a chance to get on here, I thought I would do just that.

In the last few weeks Scott has kept me quite busy. He has been bouncing off the walls, misbehaving at school, and just driving me bonkers. Last week I told him to brush his hair for school because he only had 5 minutes left. He comes out and says "mom, do you like my hair?" I seriously thought he had used some hair gel and pushed the bangs up. I said "Oh yes, it looks great" Then he informed me "I fixed it with scissors!" and I got a bit closer to see that, yes, he "fixed" it all right. Oh dear. Have I had the time to fix his mistake? Nope. He is still going to school without any bangs. Maybe I will have time this evening.

At the end of the week, Scott learned about fire safety........Thankfully nobody was hurt and nothing was destroyed other than the tip of the pipe cleaner that had been inserted in the electrical outlet. Scott's words "Mom! It came alive and fire was falling out!"

I took my sister out shopping yesterday to keep her mind off grandma's deathiversary. Harry is sick with the flu and was so miserable that I just couldn't leave the kids with him. Scott was able to bring his own money to spend. The highlight of his day was not so much the toys but the fact that he got to have his own receipt and keep it. haha! Kids! You just never know what will excite them. At the end of our shopping trip, the boys were so wild that I had to put them both in a basket so that I could actually look at something. I only ended up being able to purchase a few make-up items since I had to chase the boys the rest of the time. I left the basket at the end of an isle, walked 3 ft. away from it and Scott stood up in the basket, after I had already told him to sit down. I went back and said "what are you doing? I just told you to sit down." His response was "yeah, but you couldn't see me". I had reached my limit. I quickly finished shopping and we went home and I got the kids to bed after a quick dinner. I seriously need a girls day out. You know, the kind without children.

Things at school are easing up a little bit. At least Scott has only been in the principals office for lunch time. He keeps throwing food, so I have had to adjust his lunch to contain nothing "fun". No nuts, sunflower seeds, crackers, or anything else that sounds musical when you throw it against a table, floor, or other students head.

Scott is now enrolled in martial arts. I know, it sounds insane to put an out of control child in something where he will learn to kick and punch and yell, but thankfully there is much discipline in such learning. I am hoping that it works for him and he learns to focus and control himself much better. The instructors are wonderful and I really like the entire staff. Scott is also crazy about them.

Yes, I do actually have 2 children. I often leave Tyler out when discussing my children because he hasn't learned to be a complete terror yet. Let's see, what can I say about Ty? He blows kisses to me and says "night night" when I tuck him in. It's so precious and just melts my heart! His utter joy of food seems to be winding down a bit. I'm guessing that he must be going through his first down cycle for growth. It seems he has been in a constant growth spurt until a few weeks ago, judging by his appitite. His hydrocele seems to be closing on it's own. Yay! That doesn't mean there wasn't bad news at his last appointment though. It seems he has a heart murmur. The doc says he thinks it is of the variety that will require surgery later in his life.

Tyler's latest funny is that he has an oppinion for everything. Typical Gemini. When mommy lectures Scott, Ty joins in and gets so loud that I can't hear myself over him. He puts his entire body into it. It's so funny! He also likes to say "dumb boy", thanks to Scott. Scott, for some reason, calls himself a dumb boy when I dish out lectures. I've never called him dumb, or stupid or anything even remotely close to that. Those words aren't allowed in our house. I don't know where Scott gets the idea that he is dumb or stupid if he makes mistakes. I'm just hoping that I can train Tyler to quit joining in with that phrase.

I'm sure I am leaving out lots of funny stuff, but I feel that is a good enough update for now. I'm spending lunch with Scott tomorrow to try to encourage good lunch behavior. It will be a once a week thing from here on out. This week is going to be another busy one. My whole week is booked so I probably won't update again for a bit.