Sunday, April 5, 2009

Grown-up School

It looks like hubby and I will be going to grown-up school in may. Yay! I've been itching to get out of the house and start practicing my social skills again and this will be a great oportunity for that!
Our future plans are to buy rental properties(one at a time of course), so we have decided to go to the community college and take a class that will better prepare us so that we don't have to hire a property manager. I'm so excited! I know, property management sounds boring, but basically I have 6yrs experience doing more or less that for our own home, so it won't be like completely new territory or anything.
The greatest part about it is that the classes are in the evenings and we have a baby-sitter lined up and also a back up babysitter for when the usual one can't do it. It will really work out great! I'm hoping anyway.
Aside from that, there isn't really anything new going on. Scott is still working on fixing his behavior at school. We are still working on fixing our diet to include all our necissary nutrients and whatnot.
Tyler is working on seeing how far he can push me. haha! Yeah, the terrible twos are right around the corner.
We did get to meet our next door neighbors baby. She is sooo cute! Her birthday is one day before Tyler's and they are one year apart in age. She growls all the time too, just like Tyler. I think that is the cutest thing in the world to hear a baby growl. hehe. Yeah, I'm a bit demented. I just love contrast. Cute innocent baby + furocious growl = me grinning. hehe!