Friday, February 13, 2009

A Family Outing

Tuesday night we got to see the premier for Open Season 2. This is only the 2nd time we have taken kids to the theater, so it was interresting. Since it was a work only viewing, we didn't really have to worry if the kids were a bit too noisy. They actually both did better than I expected them to. The theater it was shown at was awesome! There are tables at every seat and you get to order food so you can have dinner and a movie in one sitting. That really made for a nice time and Ty was very happy as the boy's whole world revolves around food. I thought the movie was awesome! It was so funny and they really did a great job on it! Of course, I am probably biased. Harry even got one of those nice big shiny credits at the end. You know, before the other credits start traveling up the page. I can't help but be totally proud of him. Not to say that I wasn't proud when he got the little credits all the way at the bottom of the scrolling one, because I have always been proud of him. I do know how hard he has worked to get here though. I also know how much the entire family has sacrificed in order for him to get here.
I actually got dolled up a bit, for once in........don't know how long. Scott was really excited to see mommy wear a dress and put makeup on. He also encouraged me to do my hair in a different hairdo. LOL! The boy is obsessed with how mommy looks. He loves to pick out my clothes, and of course he usually chooses something pink or close to it. I normally avoid pink like the plague. I just don't like the color. I tollerate it occasionally for Scott though.
Speaking of Scott, he got his first in-school suspention yesterday. Yuck! He has come a long way from last year, but there is still a constant struggle with his behavior. He no longer blows up over anger issues, but he is just so wired all the time and it is so hard to constantly adjust things to make sure his daily report isn't filled with bad behavior. For every 2 good days of school, he has at least 3 bad days at school. Sometimes we even have weeks go by with only mediocre behavior reports. Well, this time we boxed up all of his toys for a week. Hopefully that helps. Durring this week, he will also have no time for plug-in time. No tv, no pc, no v-smile. That may be a bit harsh, but the reason he was sent to the principals office was the type where someone could have gotten seriously hurt. I'm sure he thought it was all fun and games. I'm sure he didn't intend for anyone to get hurt, but I also know that he KNOWS the dangers of running with scissors. I just don't know what else to do. Harry was awesome though. I called him at work to let him know what was going on and he came home immediately so that the two of us could talk to Scott together about it. Harry did all the talking, which is great since I usually have to be the bad guy.
Tyler has gotten a lot more interactive. It is a lot of fun. At night I put him to bed and he says "night night" and blows me kisses and waves to me. It is so cute and sweet and I am really loving this stage. At the same time, he is also going through a defiant stage. Durring lunch yesterday, Ty was trying to get down to play and after telling him "no", he laughed at me. Then I asked if he wanted a spank and he laughed some more. I busted out my "this is really serious" face and said "spank?" and what does he do? He spanked himself and laughed at me some more. Wow! I really do wear the pants around here, huh? That's not even the half of it. He kept standing up and I kept telling him to sit and eat and when he would lean way over to try to get down, he would say "no no no no no" in this cutesy little sing song voice. Yeah, my 1 1/2 year old is mocking me, already! I don't remember Scott being that defiant at his age, and he is my Taurus. haha! Well, hopefully Ty gets it over and done with soon or he will end up at the principals office before he even gets to kindergarten.


Stacey Cannon said...

I'm so sorry about the suspension. I KNOW how much you struggle as a mom over getting your kids to do the right thing, and it is so hard. hang in there girly... I am thinking of you. You definitely aren't alone, and I hope that this gets thru to him.

That movie sounds AWESOME!!! Eating and a movie all at once??!! That sounds WONDERFUL!!!!! Congratulations on that experience!!!

And how sweet for Tyler to be at that stage!!! I love this stage...the cute stuff right before they get into the really trying stuff. :( The hard part is coming for both of us - Tyler for you and Chase for me. It is hard to believe our precious perfect babies will soon be totally outrageous toddlers/preschoolers...

C. JoyBell C. said...

Hey Wendy! :)

I just got here from Eli's blog. You know...Stacey's son's blog. :)

I just want to let you know...I loved the idea of the friendship bracelet! I love that idea of yours! :) And, I also agree with you about letting emotions out! Emotions have to be let out through crying, or other ways! Not forced to be kept inside while the people in charge frown upon it as "misbehaviors" :( Misbehaviors my butt! :(

Wendy M. said...

I didn't realize I had comments. haha!
Stace, the cool thing is that it is a regular movie theater and anyone can go to it and have dinner and a movie combined. I thought it was extremely convenient! You are right, it is sad to see how fast our little ones grow up!

Charity, thanks for your comment! :) I do feel that so many people and organizations these days expect robots from humans. I remember being a kid. It took me until I was in 3rd grade to adjust to school, but now they just expect all kids to be perfectly adjusted. I just don't understand that. What ever happened to "every child is different"?

C. JoyBell C. said...

You know what...we haven't been to a movie house in so long, we figured we'd do that...but they're only showing The Watchmen right now, and my 8-year-old can't watch that, for sure! I can't wait for the movie to show...the one with the two children who are supposed to be's by my son can come...I can't wait for that one...I didn't get to see open season 2... hu hu hu hu :'(