Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ice day

Well, you can't really call it a snow day. We got the slightest whisper of snow, but my entire car was covered in ice this morning. I got the car all warmed up and scraped as much of the ice off my windshield as I could, then went in and got Tyler all ready to take Scott to school. Then I heard the phone ring and knew it must be Harry since his flight was due to arrive in LA. I went ahead and listened to the message to see if there was anything important. Boy am I glad I did. Last I had seen on the news, our school district wasn't even on the list for delay, but Harry mentioned it was. I went ahead and checked and they delayed by 2 hours. I went to turn off the car and got the kids unwrapped. It wasn't long after that they showed us as being closed for the day.
I'm glad I didn't have to drive in it, but I was so sluggish today that I didn't really want to deal with both children all day. Am I a bad mommy for saying that? I was really looking forward to a nap.
Harry had to go to LA for a 3 day work trip. Of course, knowing we wouldn't see each other for 3 days, we stayed up late gabbing. We ended up getting 4 hours of sleep since we had to get up at 5:00. I went ahead and got up with him so I could be sure he had everything he needed for the trip and to make sure the kids car seats were out of whichever vehicle he decided to take.
I ended up falling asleep on the recliner while Scott played his computer game this evening.
I have been searching everywhere for our Christmas decorations. They are all in one box, somewhere in this house. If you knew how many boxes of stuff I have, you would know why this is such a difficult task. I didn't find it. I throw my hands up at this point. I will just bust out some paint and we can paint the Sweet gum tree seed pods that we have been collecting after school. I want to put glitter on them. Scott wants them to be red so they will look like red bombs. Yeah, that's nice. How boyish of him. haha!
With hubby away, I don't know what to do with my time. My sister and mom are both working an early shift and neither will have much time during the week for phone calls. I am so used to calling whenever it strikes my fancy and to have to wait until the weekend is a bit of a bummer. I can't be selfish though. They both really needed to get that job and I am so happy for them that they found an enjoyable job and can carpool and all that.
I do need to get Michelle's sweater done though. I usually do my crochet while on commercial breaks, but there doesn't seem to be much on tv. I suppose I can use my On Demand and watch all the freebies. There is some weird stuff on that list. Problem with that is there aren't any commercials. LOL! Never thought I would complain about that! I am concerned over whether or not I will have enough yarn. I had more than enough in the beginning. That was before my lovely labs decided my crochet looked like a small mammal. I had to throw out a completed piece for the front of the sweater. I'm sure I have another roll of that yarn somewhere! Just don't know where I might have hid it. I have this problem all the time. If it isn't dogs, it's kids that I have to hide everything from. Do all parents have this problem or am I just completely clueless? Back on topic.....you might wonder why I don't just buy another roll. The answer is simple, really. I am the world's tightest penny pincher. I found the yarn at Big Lots. It was soft and fuzzy and such a nice shade of army green. I had to have it! Well, come to find out, it is a discontinued color and I can't find more of it. I suppose, worse come to worse, I will create my own pattern and use stripes or something in the front of another color that would be appealing. They do have lots of other colors in the same kind of yarn. I just hope it doesn't come to that. I'm so picky when I have my mind set on something.
Sorry, no pics for today. There wasn't enough snow to make any pretty pics. Ty has had an upset stomach and is very cranky. Scott.....well, he was feeling the affects of the cold weather and couldn't sit still long enough for a picture. haha! I do need to get the pics done for the huas though. Maybe I will post those tomorrow.

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