Saturday, December 13, 2008


Tyler has this new thing. When I make a pretend cry sound Tyler will pretend to be really sad. I have to post these pics because they are soooo cute! Ty is not a very good actor, but he sure is adorable!
Oh, please excuse the crayon on the wall.


Sharon said...

So funny! He is adorable, Wendy!

Stacey Cannon said...

Awww how cute!!! And that is a really pretty sweater he has on!!! I was lol at the crayon on the wall...I recently found some of that on our walls!!! :) (Courtesy of Chase!)

Wendy M. said...

Aw, thanks ladies!
Stace, we have entire masterpieces on our walls! haha! I can't bring myself to cover them up!

C. JoyBell C. said...

Wee hee hee! Such adorable, expressive faces right there! Love it! :)