Saturday, December 6, 2008

Frustrating Day

I had plans to see my older sis today. Mom got a new schedule and is working earlier in the day, so I had to leave super early if I wanted to see her too. I got up at 7 which is early for me on the weekends. By the time I got the kids ready, we were already running a little late. Traffic was unusual today. Random slow drivers were everywhere! I had to zip from lane to lane just to go as fast as the speed limit. I really needed to drive a bit faster to make it on time. Well, that didn't really work out, so I got there just in time to see Mom leave for work. Didn't help matters any that mom was really looking forward to seeing us and was almost crying when she stated she really didn't want to go to work. We haven't gotten much time with her lately. I tried the best I could, but still couldn't help but feel bad about it.

Mom sat with Tyler for a few minutes before she left. Then she had a coughing fit and Ty starts in with this fake cough like he was telling mom that she was faking it. haha! It's actually an attention/mimic thing he does, but it was way funny!

We decided we would meet mom at her work for lunch. We went to McD's and Scott whined about wanting to play on the playground equipment. I explained to him that we were going to the park on Sunday and that Nanna really wants to visit with him.

After dropping mom back at work, we decided to go in to use the facilities, then decided to go find mom so we can say a last "bye" since we probably won't see her again until after Christmas. She was working in the shoe isle, so we decided to look at shoes so we could get a little longer visit in. I got a new pair each for the boys and then looked at the ladies shoes. I usually buy boys shoes for me since I like black shoes best and they usually only have white. Well, they actually had black ones! I found these:
They are the most comfy shoes I have worn in a LONG time! I absolutely love them! Also, the purple stuff goes all the way on the inside of the shoe and it feels so soft, like walking on clouds! I was totally thrilled! I might just sleep in them! haha! I got them at Walmart, for those who might be interested. They are Earth Spirit brand shoes. I got them for 23 bucks! Not a bad price for something that feels like a piece of heaven caressing your feet!

It was later than I planned by the time I left there, but I figured the traffic wouldn't be too bad. Boy was I wrong! Half of my ride home was spent going 5-10 MPH with the occasional 20 and I just knew there had to be a really bad wreck up ahead. Either that or maybe they decided to just do construction on the entire road. We finally reached the end of the backup to find that it was caused by nothing more than rubber-neckers checking out an accident on the OTHER side of the highway! I was FURIOUS!!! So after passing the wreck area we were able to immediately go up to 60 MPH and so I went 80 knowing that everyone was probably worried sick about me. I didn't have my cell with me since I was in a rush this morning, so I couldn't call them to let them know I would be late. I walked in the door to find they were all worried and Harry was on the phone with my sis when I arrived.

What a day! It was totally exhausting! Now Harry is playing his guitar. Sea of Lies, as usual these days. He can't play it to speed yet, but he is getting closer. I can't wait until he is done with this song though! It's a great song(so long as you don't have to hear the awful vox), but I've been listening to it for 3 months now and I have just about had it! I told Harry that he needs to do some of his own stuff for a bit after this. hehe! I love his creations, but he usually plays other people's stuff. I suppose that is a great way of becoming a better/tighter player. I just miss the days when he went off on creative tangents.

I'm suffering a bit of Holliday Blues. We are going to Florida for Christmas to see Dad and take Scott to Disney. I was already sad about the fact that my sisters can't go this year. Then I found out that Harry can't go either. :( He has to be on call at work that week and it wouldn't really work for us to have him go all the way to Florida and then have to come right back. Not to mention it would cost a fortune to change his homeward flight. More pain than it is worth. I know I will have a great time and it will be awesome to see Dad, Cindy and my new brother, Danny Boy. It will also be great to see Disney again. I hope I don't sound like a jerk. There is just something about those small inexpensive Christmas' that I really miss. There is nothing like the whole family getting together, each bringing a dish of something yummy, sitting by the tree, listening to Christmas tunes, and smelling all the wonderful smells of the season. Ah well, next year...


Stacey Cannon said...

I'm so sorry Wendy. ((HUGS)) I know how awful that traffic can be; I used to have to take 635-E to work, and it was a nightmare during the rush hour.

And I am sorry that you are disappointed with how things are turning out for the holidays. I know how awful it is to be separated from your husband; it feels really miserable. I'm so sorry. :( Hang in there...

Wendy M. said...

Thanks, hon! I just need to stay busy until it's time to go, so I don't dwell. Once I get there, Dad will keep me so busy I won't have much time to think about it.